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Recipe of the month: buttered radishes


Feed More’s Community Kitchen staff and volunteers prepare a variety of meals every day that are delicious and rich in nutrients and healthy ingredients. We’re excited to share some of our favorite recipes that our recipients enjoy through programs like Meals on Wheels, Summer Food Service Program and the Kids Cafe!

We love this recipe for buttered radishes! Their vibrant color mixed with the delicious spices will leave everyone at the table wanting more. This side dish is a cinch to make and something that you can keep in your recipe arsenal for years to come!

Serves: 5




10.5oz. fresh radishes
1 1/3 tsp. margarine, low sodium
1 tsp vegetable stock, low sodium
4.5oz water
2 3/4 tsp. apple cider vinegar
¾ tsp. granulated sugar
2 tbsp. apple juice
2 ¾ tsp. fresh parsley, chopped


  • Quarter each radish into 4 parts. Let steam for about 12 minutes or until tender.
  • Toss radishes in margarine and set aside.
  • In a small pot, mix vegetable stock and water and bring to a boil. Add vinegar, sugar and parsley.
  • Pour mixture over radishes and let cool.
  • Serve!

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