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Recipe of the month: turkey salad with vinaigrette


If you’re looking for a little meal prep inspiration, look no further than our very own Community Kitchen! Our kitchen staff and volunteers prepare a plethora of meals every day that are delicious and rich in nutrients and healthy ingredients. We’re excited to share some of our favorite recipes that go out to our recipients through programs like our Meals on Wheels, Summer Food Service Program and the Kids Cafe.

Our tasty turkey salad and vinaigrette is perfect for the warm summer months and has been delivered to many of the homebound seniors and disabled neighbors in our Meals on Wheels program. By mixing together the sweet mandarin oranges with pineapple juice, our team has created the perfect, refreshing summertime meal.

FeedMore’s Turkey Salad with Vinaigrette


2 and 1/8 tablespoon unsweetened canned pineapple juice
1 and 1/3 tablespoon white wine vinegar
1 and 1/8 teaspoon dijon mustard
1 and 5/8 teaspoon canola oil


¼ oz. onion, chopped
14 oz. turkey breast
8 tablespoon canned mandarin oranges, drained
4 oz. romaine lettuce, chopped


  • Roast turkey to an internal temperature of 170F. Allow to cool.
  • Once cool, dice turkey into ½” cubes
  • Combine all vinaigrette ingredients in a small bowl and mix well.
  • In a separate large bowl, combine all salad ingredients and toss gently
  • Serve salad with vinaigrette
  • Enjoy!

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