Halloween inspired snacks your family will love!


Halloween is here and with it comes loads of sweet treats and candy that kids can’t wait to dive into. While it can be tricky to keep your family eating healthy on such a sugar-filled holiday, there are lots of fun and healthy snack options that we are confident they will love!

We’ve pulled together some of our favorite spooky treats that are festive, budget friendly and chock full of good nutrition.

Pumpkin Oranges

This super simple treat takes no time at all! Just peel some mandarin oranges and stick a small piece of celery in the top to create a flawless miniature pumpkin. We promise the kids (and even adults) will gobble them up.

Monster Smiles

Who doesn’t love a Halloween snack that bites back! Cut your favorite kind of apple into thin slices and spread peanut butter (or any nut-free butter) onto one side. Then place a row of miniature marshmallows onto an apple slice and top with a second slice, creating a perfect creepy, and super cute, smile.

String Cheese Witch’s Broom

Not every treat has to be sweet! Take a cheese stick and cut it in half. Pull apart a few of the ‘strings’ to fray the bottom and insert a pretzel stick in the top. If you really want to get fancy, use a piece of chive or a scallion to tie a bow around the cheese. These will fly off your table in no time!

Banana Ghost Pops       

These boo-tacular sweets are a healthy dessert you’ll love to eat. Cut your bananas in half and place a popsicle stick into the cut end, making sure the popsicle stick is about half way up. Fill a bowl with vanilla yogurt and dip each banana into it making sure it gets a good coating. Place two mini chocolate chips as eyes, place the bananas on a baking sheet and put in the freezer until they’re firm.

We hope these snacks will bring a little bit of whimsical fun to your table that everyone will enjoy eating, while also getting the important nutrition they need.

Feed More’s Community Kitchen uses many of these same principles when preparing meals for our Children’s Programs like Kids Cafe and the Summer Food Service program. By using healthy and delicious ingredients, snacks don’t need to be full of sugar for kids to enjoy.

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