Employee spotlight: Suzy Rohler


Name: Suzy Rohler

What do you do here at Feed More?: I’m the Director of Brand, Marketing and Communications.

How long have you worked at Feed More?: Just about five years.

What is your favorite memory at Feed More?: I have had SO many— special holiday Mobile Pantry distributions, our new brand launch last year, so many fun moments with coworkers- I could go on and on. Being a part of the 7 millionth Meals on Wheels meal delivery was definitely one of my favorite experiences at Feed More.

What inspired you to come work at Feed More?: I’ve always been interested in the nonprofit sector and was in awe of the impact Feed More has on our community (I still am!).

Before working at Feed More, what was the most unusual or interesting job you had? I grew up working in a family owned garden center. It was hard work and long days but so rewarding and fulfilling—I almost went to horticultural school!

What is something people would be surprised to know about you?: I was on a competitive jump rope team for several years. (I was much, much younger.)

Where is the coolest place you have traveled to and/or want to travel to?: I was a roadrunner in college and was able to travel up and down the Northeast coast recruiting. It was incredible! One of my favorite spots was Mystic, CT.

What is your favorite thing to do in Richmond?: Grab a beer at one of our great breweries or try a new restaurant.

If you could eat just one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?: Tater Tots. (And, yes, I can make that a meal!)

If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why?: The ability to slow time down so we could enjoy things longer!

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